
Your mindset and use the power of your mind to work for you rather than against you!

The Mindset

Mojo Booster®


Find the root cause of what’s holding you back and break free from limiting beliefs

7 Week Programme


To the Ultimate You! Be at peace with who you are, achieve your goals and thrive!

12 Week Programme

“The Mind is Everything. What You Think You Become.”


Is yours keeping you stuck and holding you back from the career and life you truly want?

If you’re a 30-40 something heart-led, sensitive, career woman who has let self-doubt, anxiety and fear get in the way of achieving your aspirations, goals and dreams in life then read on.

  • Are you an aspirational middle manager or senior leader who appears confident on the outside but secretly struggles with feelings of self-doubt, lack of confidence and self-belief, anxiety, negative thinking, even depression and just doesn’t feel happy and relaxed in your own skin?
  • Have you ever felt you’re stuck in second gear and not really fulfilling your potential and all you can do is feel frustrated and blame yourself or others for your lack of success?
  • Do you suffer from Imposter Syndrome and constantly compare yourself to others, not feeling good enough, but downplay your own experience, qualifications, skills and talents?
  • Are you always making do and settling for less than you deserve in your career and relationships or find yourself unwittingly sabotaging opportunities and possibilities when they come your way?
  • Are you yearning for a life filled with purpose, joy, happiness and wellbeing where you are completely at peace with yourself but feel like it’s unattainable and passing you by?

Can you relate?

Then you’re in the right place and I can help you.

Welcome to the Mindset Stylist®!


Hi, I’m Cathy

 aka The Mindset Stylist®!

Mindset Transformation Coach,

Clinical Hypnotherapist and Emotional

Freedom Practitioner

I help aspirational career women like you free your mind and  love the skin you’re

in, so you believe in yourself, realise your potential and align your

life, career and impact with your soul-led aspirations!


After a 30 year career in the NHS as a Management Consultant and Director, I’ve

made it my mission to help aspirational professionals like you because I don’t want

you to struggle for years like I did letting your self-doubt, lack of self-belief,

and thatimposter mindset keep you stuck with fear, self-doubt and anxiety, missing

out onopportunities and holding you back from realising your true potential and

thecareer and life you truly want.

Book your complimentary connection call so we can get together for a virtual

coffee wherever you are in the world and chat about what’s keeping you stuck and

holding you back in life and how I can help you become who you’re truly meant to


I’m looking forward to meeting you soon! x


Living a life full of  purpose,

joy, happiness and wellbeing.

Being at peace with yourself,

Happy to go after your dreams,

whatver those dreams are.

Being confident, self-assured

and believing in yourself

no longer seeking

the approval of others or

worrying about what they think.

Being your true authentic self,

fully aligned with your soul 

purpose trusting and realising

your potential.

Being able to face challenges

and handle what life has to throw

at you with complete faith and

belief in yourself knowing you’ll

bounce back and thrive regardless.

You can achieve all this and so much more with the unique 1:1 support I offer through my Mindset  Transformation, Hypnotherapy and Emotional Freedom coaching  programmes.

They are designed to get to the subconscious root cause of why you may doubt yourself and your abilities and hold yourself back in your career. Tailored to your needs to provide you with mindset coaching, blended with hypnotherapy, psychological tools and emotional freedom techniques, they will help you ditch the self-doubt, overcome anxiety and be more fearless, knowing that you have the self-belief, confidence and complete faith in yourself to achieve your aspirations, make an impact and handle anything life throws at you, even thriving in challenging times!

The transfortmational mindset  coaching, subconscious reprogramming and emotional freedom tools and techiques I use in my programmes will help you become more mentally, emotionally and physically resilient and will empower you with the confidence and courage to make rapid, profound and lasting transformation in your life helping you be who you’re meant to be and creating the life you want on your terms!

Happy Clients

Ready To Transform Your Life?