Inspirational Messages of Hope, Belief, Faith and Love from

Courageous Women ๐Ÿงก

It canโ€™t have escaped your notice that it was International Womenโ€™s Day on Wednesday last week and I was very lucky to get a complimentary invitation to attend the Aspire International Womanโ€™s Day โ€œItโ€™s a M.A.D Worldโ€ Global Event.

Aspire is a female leadership development organisation led by Dr. Sam Collins and she was one of the first of many inspirational women who inspired and empowered me to start my solopreneur journey to do my bit to make a difference to womenโ€™s lives for the better.

I was looking forward to the webinar and it didnโ€™t disappoint. It was a real privilege to have listened to these inspirational stories from courageous, soul-led, passion-filled, purpose-driven women, who have followed their soul callings against all odds and in the face of adversity and danger.

So, Iโ€™m โ€œpaying it forwardโ€ and hope youโ€™ll take some time to watch this webinar too.

WATCH THIS for truly inspiring messages of self-belief, courage, passion, kindness and soul-led callings for the greater good of humanityโค๏ธ

You also need to watch it if you ever feel self-doubt, lack of self-belief, anxiety and fear holding you back from your soul-led aspirations and true purpose in life.

It truly fanned the flames deep in my soul and put my personal worries, concerns and challenges firmly where they need to be – fading into insignificance!!!

Here are the main inspirational messages that struck a chord with me:


Itโ€™s more important than anything else and you have to belief you deserve anything and everything you want in your life and that it is available to you.


Donโ€™t be the sort of woman who has to do things perfectly or not at all. Perfection stifles growth, creativity and opportunity. Take messy action and keep moving forward.


Choose to focus on what makes you feel fulfilled, satisfied and gives you purpose in your life. There is meaning and power in purpose that can help you overcome any challenges you face.


Itโ€™s your life and only YOU is responsible for what you do with it and how you live it!

I hope you take as much inspiration as I did from watching the webinar.

But if you feel that self-doubt, anxiety, fear and a lack of self-belief is holding you back and keeping you stuck from having the success you desire in your work and life, then please do get in touch. The doors are open for enrolment this week to my new online group programme!

FREE YOUR MIND๐Ÿง is a transformational mindset and emotional freedom programme for professional women in middle management and leadership positions. It combines mindset coaching, hypnotherapy, subconscious reprogramming and meridian psychotherapy to help you overcome self-doubt, anxiety, limiting beliefs and energetic blocks holding you back from achieving your aspirations, goals and dreams in life.

This programme will help you blast through the beliefs that keep you stuck and help you believe that anything is possible and you can achieve it!

Book a call to have a chat if youโ€™re interested in finding out more.